Sunday, August 10, 2014


Minnesota had been great especially compared to ND! The rangers at the first SP we stayed at recommended we go to Lake Itasca SP which is where the headwaters to the Mississippi River are located. So off we went. This is a huge SP that was saved from the logging companies long ago. The lake itself is not too large, at least by MN standards but it drains into a small stream which turns into the Mississippi River. It is said that a drop of rain falling into the lake takes 90 days to enter the Gulf of Mexico! Just three weeks ago I was riding my bike across the Arctic Circle and yesterday I stood in the headwaters to the Mississippi! Pretty cool!


Standing in the Mississippi headwaters!


We then found another SP dedicated solely to mountain biking so this morning we headed that direction. As our luck would have it we have had nothing but heavy rain all day. None the less we are staying at a city CG and will see what tomorrow brings weather wise. The locals say the trails drain quite fast, so we will see. If we can ride we will do so, if not we head into Wisconsin.


More to come...



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